Model : Norman 20
Cockpit : Rear
Year : 1983
Engine & Fuel : Yamaha outboard petrol
Capacity : 9.9 hp
Toilet : Portapotti
I have halved in height the toilet cupboard to allow a shelf for the tv to sit on.
I actually have your web site to thank for me buying the Laineylou as I saw her on your site when her previous owner was selling her, she was "jackie boy" then and moored in Norfolk.
When I bought her I got her transported up to Scotland and renamed her Laineylou as a thank you to my wife for not complaining once as the cost of my indulgence grew.
I have her moored
on the Forth and Clyde canal at the Caron sea loch gates near Falkirk which is
one of the best kept secrets as far as idyllic moorings go in Scotland.
We have full use of the canal system which goes to central Edinburgh using the
Falkirk Wheel or we can go through Glasgow to Clydebank if we so wish. I have
enclosed some pictures for you to look at and use as many or little as you wish.
I will no doubt at sometime use the forum and do still browse the site from time to time so keep up the good work and thanks again.